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Effective Foods To Treat Chikungunya Virus

Chikungunya is basically a viral infection much like dengue which is caused by the chikungunya virus (CHIKV). Its symptoms last for 3 to 12 days and can be treated effectively with proper medication, rest and proper diet.

Symptoms of chikungunya virus

  • Rashes

  • fever

  • Joints pain

  • Vomiting

  • headache

Given below are some of the effective chikungunya treatment foods.

Green leafy veggies

Leafy veggies contains rich amount of nutrients, minerals and antioxidants which helps in improving your immune system and buildup your body strong to fight against chikungunya infection. Green leafy veggie also contains very less amount of calories in it which easily helps to digest your food.


Apples contain a boost immunity compound called as ‘Quercetin’ which helps in maintaining a good health of your digestive tract, thus preventing your body against all infections and bacteria. Consume a fresh apple or apple juice daily for the treatment of chikungunya infection.


Plantains are the member of banana family containing more starch and less of sugar. Because of the rich content of fibers, plantains can be eaten daily for the treatment of chikungunya virus.

Liquid diet

Try to include things which are easily digestible and contains more water content in it. Include vegetables soups and other liquid meal in your diet like tomato soup, lentils soup, vegetable soup and juice.

Coconut water

Coconut water contains rich amount of nutrients and minerals like potassium which helps in detoxifying your body and protects you from all kind of bacteria, germs, virus and infections. For the effective treatment of chikungunya virus consume a glass of coconut water daily.

Vitamin C and E

Vitamin C and E rich food helps in boosting up your metabolism level to a faster rate which also helps in the easy digestion of the food in your body. Try including food containing good amount of Vitamin C and E in it such as guavas, orange, raspberry, nuts, strawberries, broccolis, kiwi etc.

These food will not only help you to fight against chikungunya virus but will also heals your body to be better as earlier as possible.

Omega 3 fatty acid

Omega 3 fatty acid works effectively in boosting immunity and builds your body to fight against all type of infections, germs and viruses. For the better cure against the chikungunya virus, start consuming omega 3 fatty acids food in good and high quantity.

Contact the best homeopathic doctor in south delhi via Mynahcare.

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